Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Teachings from a Tree by Laura King

You are rooted.
You grow despite the elements.
You sway when the wind blows.
You are calm despite the forces bearing down.
You return to your center.

You are sanctuary to the birds and the squirrels.
You are shade to the warm passerby.
You are break when the storms blow through.
You blossom and bloom lifting onlookers from winter into spring.
You return each year, each season.
You are predictable, reliable.

You inspire.
You are unassuming yet magnificent with a glorious reach to the above and a firm grip below.
You have a firm far reach into the rocky soil.
You are directional and determined to reach to the sky, the sun, the stars.
You know your purpose, your call.
It must be that simple.

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